Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Generic Line Infantry Brigade, 1812-1814

Painted between November 2013 and June 2014, this is a 4 battalions strong Brigade of line infantry totalling 96 miniatures - representing a 1920-strong Brigade at the usual 1:20 ratio. These are Calpe Miniatures, in 'route march' pose.

Calpe are great, great quality miniatures. Detail and historical accuracy are unbeatable. They are slightly bigger and Perrys miniatures, but well worth having in a collection. And also, what a variety of miniatures! There may be more than 50 different models in there (!!). Check the Calpe Miniatures website if you don't know this range yet.

I used washes heavily on these. I am not sure I would do it again, but it definitely helped painting faster.

One regiment (two battalions) has uncovered s hakos. Note that the 1st battalions of a regiment can be identified to the Eagle guard (two men with halberds) and plain pompoms. The 2nd battalion has a white patch in the pompom. They would be also more easily identified if the flags/fanions were not covered!

The other regiment has covered shakos. I thought I would keep some uniformity across the regiments - I already went for a mix of greatcoat and trousers colours.

And for views of the full brigade (as on all photos, click to enlarge):

The only downside to the Calpe range is that there are no skirmishers (yet) nor generals (yet).

Last thing to mention, the basing: 15mm frontage, 40x30mm magnetic bases (for transport). I also got movement trays from http://war-bases.co.uk, on which I should eventually stick some metallic tape.

12th Cuirassier, part 1

Next is the 12th Cuirassier -  part of the second brigade. During the hundred days, it was 2 squadrons and 258 men strong. This makes 12 miniatures - still all Perry metals.

To add a bit of variety to the overall project, I will mix in some cuirassiers without the actual cuirasse. The 11th Cuirassier was known for its lack of cuirasses, so let's suppose the 12th was not fully equiped either!

The 12 miniatures have been prepared for painting (flash removed, horse legs untwisted, blades straightened) and you will notice my few modifications (flag pole, colonel 2nd epaulette made of green stuff).

Given how real life keeps me busy, and given the summer plans, this unit may not be completed until the Autumn!

Monday, 1 June 2015

13th Division, 1st Brigade

This is it, I completed the brigade command stand recently, so this wraps up the 1st Brigade of the 13th division! The Perry heavy cavalry commanders are all very richly dressed,  not so much the look of general I was after, but I shouldn't complain, the pose is really dynamic and eye catching!

I used a 75mm round base. Quite large, but looks good to me. The general is followed by a 4th Cuirassiers NCO.

 close up on the NCO:

with the actual brigade in the background...

and finally the full brigade!

This project is taking time, and I only managed to complete this brigade in 8 months... the 2nd brigade is yet to be done, but real life may well get in the way and slow me down a bit further! Nevermind, who said I was in a rush?