Monday, 4 November 2019

Red Lancers, 1815

This project was an ambitious one: the Guard Lancers at Waterloo at the 1:20 ratio. That would have made, in total, four squadrons of 9 figures for the Dutch Lancers, plus one squadron of 6 figures for the Polish Lancers.

I managed to paint the first two squadron, plus a stand for the commanding officer: Colonel-General Colbert, famously injured at Ligny two days before Waterloo. Squadrons are in campaign dress, Colbert is in full dress

figures by Perry Miniatures.
75x60 mm rectangular bases (3 lancers to a base, i.e. 25mm frontage)
75mm circular base
Flag by GMB designs.
All original poles have been replaced by solid metal spares.

Painted between August 2018 and April 2019


Colbert leading the charge!


  1. Thanks David. Only few posts on my blog - I paint slowly - so comments are very much appreciated 😁
