... only one year late!
But the division is now all based!
13th Cavalry Division, 1815 |
13th Cavalry Division, 1815 |
1st Horse Artillery Regiment (5th Company) and 1st Artillery Train Squadron (8th Company) |
1st Brigade (1st and 4th Cuirassiers) |
2nd Brigade (7th and 12th Cuirassiers) |
1st Cuirassiers (4 squadrons) |
12th Cuirassier (2 squadrons) |
Maréchal de France Michel NEY, duc d'Elchingen, prince de La Moskowa, Left wing Commander |
Lieutenant-Général Pierre WATIER, comte de Saint-Alphonse, 13th Division Commander |
Maréchal de Camp Jacques Charles DUBOIS, baron de Thimville, 1st Brigade Commander |
Maréchal de Camp Etienne Jacques TRAVERS, baron de Jever, 2nd Brigade Commander |
I am really pleased with this Division - not only because I think Cuirassiers look great, but also because I managed this almost two years long project without loosing focus. Let us hope I manage my next project just as well! (an Infantry Brigade, see
I hope this experience was interesting for my rare readers - to me this blog is the perfect place to store photos and keep a record of my progress milestones.
May the Division meet a gaming table one day!