Monday, 19 March 2018

Sharp Practice part 5 - the 15th Dragon

I wanted some cavalry for my Sharp Practice project. For the Spanish theatre, it had to be dragoons. Perry Miniatures offers a choice of 12 (!) metal codes for pre-1812 dragoons. I picked galloping sets, rather than charging, rolled coat or galloping, overall or standing horses. I needed eight privates and an officer - therefore I did not paint any trumpeter of Eagle bearer.

I picked the 15th because it served in Spain and because one does not see pink facing that often, at least this is the first time I use pink facings in my armies! Which actually was not at all a 'girly' colour back in the day, but that is another story...  

I decided to base them in pairs to facilitate  handling on a gaming table. Being metals, they are to heavy in my mind to use with slotted sabots. I shall order a mix of tufts to complete the bases. Bases are 50mm (width) by 60mm (depth) - the frontage is therefore 25mm, which matches my cuirassiers collection.

I used washes only on faces and I am happy with the result. Vallejo's pink may be a bit too flashy/cartoony but I can live with that. They were painting over a 6 weeks period in early 2018.